In April 16, 1939, eleven voting members gathered together and organized Trinity Lutheran Church, Jefferson, IA. The first resident pastor, E.E. Greene was installed on February 16, 1941. In 1942, property (an older home) on the corner of Maple and Madison was bought (with a mission loan) and remodeling was underway for the first chapel/parsonage. In 1951, twelve years after the founding of Trinity, ground was broken to build a new brick church and the church was dedicated on November 30, 1952. By this time, the congregation had grown to 279 members. On September 29, 1953, a special service was held to dedicate the new stained glass windows. 1957 brought the fifth anniversary of the brick church on Lincolnway. Trinity now was now self-supporting and no longer regarded as a mission church. In 1963, Trinity purchased the property at 890 W. Lincolnway, a five room house, and this became the "annex" for the church, where five Sunday School classes were held. In 1969, the property just west of the church was purchased and prepared for four more classrooms. In 1973, a planning committee concluded that a new annex should be constructed adjacent to the west side of the church. This was accomplished by relocating the parsonage and the "annex" buildings being used as Sunday School rooms, leaving enough space for a new annex and a much needed parking lot. On July 13, 1975, ground was broken for the new addition, which was dedicated on June 6, 1976. The new annex has a fellowship hall, pastor's study, chuch office, lounge and classrooms. The basement under the sanctuary was remodeled for more classrooms. By 1981, the total membership of Trinity was 501. The parsonage was sold in 1982. Trinity's 50th Anniversary was celebrated on April 16, 1989 with a special church service, dinner and program. In 1990, that the parking lot was paved.