Church Notes for March 9, 2025
PROMISED TREASURES Lent Family Calendar: Each week on this year’s Lenten Journey, we will see, smell, touch or taste a biblical item that reminds us of God’s eternal love for us in Christ. The calendars are available on the table in the fellowship hall. Pick yours up today!
DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR LENT & EASTER: The Hand of The Lord devotional books are on the table in the Fellowship Hall. Please pick-up a copy today!
FREE REGISTRATION FOR CAMP OKOBOJI: Please register online by April 1, 2025, and give your registration confirmation to Linda, or place in the basket on the door. There is a link to click for camps available and details. Please refer to the insert for more information.
FORTY DAYS OF GIVING UP - Did you decide to give up something you no longer need each day during Lent? Trash Bags are still available if you need one. All donations will go to people in need here and elsewhere.
“THANK YOU” to the volunteers that signed up to deliver Meals on Wheels. Trinity is truly blessed!
ONE OF THE QUILTER’S SUPPLIERS gave a donation of Towels! Several towels, hand towels and wash cloths are still available. Please help yourself.
“ THANK YOU” to everyone who signed up to host and serve Lenten Suppers. Trinity is blessed to have such dedicated support in our congregation.
TRINITY SERVICE ARC is on Thursday, March 13th at 1:00 pm. For more information on ARC please see the insert. Helpers are always needed.
APRIL Sign-Up Sheet is now posted. Please write your name on any dates you are not available. Thank you!
Building Healthy Families: Are you a Hallmark movie fan? If so, you know the familiar story line: big city woman in crisis returns to her hometown, reluctantly gets pulled into an effort to rally the community around some cause, reconnects with local man who frustrates her plans at every turn but who in the end fulfills all her dreams, and happy ever after begins. While entertaining, these stories can intensify feelings of unrest for the more than 50% of us who are single and living alone, who have never found or have lost our special someone, and also for the less than 50% who are married but whose marriage doesn’t always look like the one depicted by Hallmark. This Valentine’s Day, remember that God – the author and source of love – created us to live in families and communities where love is shared. He is the only one who never fails to meet our need to be seen, connected, cared for, and loved. This week, skip Hallmark and celebrate God’s amazing love! (1 John 4:16) Lutheran Family Service
PRAYER LIST: When putting names on the Prayer List we will keep them on there until you let us know that you feel you are ready to have them removed. Please let Linda know by Monday, if there are any changes. If we need to add someone during the week let us know and we will send out an extra prayer request. Thank you for helping with keeping the list up-to-date.
March 16
Usher: Al Robson
Greeters: Margaret Martens
Communion: Charles Griffith
Reader: Cheryl Robson
Lutheran ½Hour: Kevin & Deena Hanson
Counters: Jason Smith & Amber Thomspon
Acolyte: Christian Tronchetti
Sunday, March 16
8:15 am LWML (Will Not Meet)
9:30 am Divine Service w/Communion
10:30 am Lutheran ½ Hour, Sunday School,
HSY: Aidan Shorey & Ellie Menz Bible Study: Charles Griffith
Confirmation: Jeff Kienast & Pastor Martens
Wed., March 19 10:30 am Bible Study
5:00 -6:45 pm Lenten Supper – Robsons - Beefburgers
7:00 pm Lenten Worship
7:30 pm Church Council Meeting
Thursday, March 20 2:00 pm Trinity Care Outreach at GCMC
Friday, March 21 2:00 pm Trinity Care Outreach at Regency
Sunday, March 23 8:15 am Women’s Bible Study
9:30 am Divine Service
10:30 am Lutheran ½ Hour, Sunday School,
HSY: Aidan Shorey & Ellie Menz Bible Study: Trisha Easton
Confirmation: Jeff Kienast & Pastor Martens
Parenting Matters: Margaret Martens