Trinity Lutheran Church

Council Minutes

November 20, 2024


Trinity Lutheran Church council was called to order at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, by Chairperson, Lynn Menz.


Pastor Martens gave devotions on Mark, Chapter 10 “Blessings.”

Pastor’s noted new faces coming to church services regularly. It was noted that attendance has increased from last year. 


Shelly Berger read the minutes of the previous meeting.  It was moved by Dave Pedersen, seconded by Jeff Kienast to approve the minutes as read.  Motion carried.


Al Robson reported we are blessed to have a very strong balance sheet for the church. 
He reported the Officers recently met to review current assets and recommended moving some of the funds to other accounts at the beginning of 2025.  It was moved by George Walker, seconded by Janie Hertel to move the funds as follows:

5,062.00     TLC Beneficiary of Ruth Trost to:  Lutheran Bible Translators

$775.00       Carpet to:         Facilities line item under Capital


$800.00         Handbells to:                                                   Music

$535.00         Memorial VBS Peterson to:                            VBS

$2,000.00    Missionary Work Funds to:                             Missions

$3,228.87     Senior LYF to:  Split 3 ways:  Senior LYF, Junior LYF and

                                                                                                Nursery to 6th

$1,000.00    Sunday School Fishbowl to:  Sunday School Youth Account


$707.64        PB Money Market/Designated Fund to: General Operating                                                                                                    Account


Motion carried.


87.5% of the church financial year has been completed to date. Outreach checks were sent out a few weeks ago and Al is confident we will meet our end-of-year expenses.  It was moved by Dave Pedersen, seconded by Carol Christensen to accept and approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried.   


2025 Budget:  There was a representative of each of the committees present at the planning meeting to develop a 2025 budget for approval.  Al Robson noted that we do not budget income, but we do budget for expenses. He explained changes in each line item. He noted that “missions” includes extra donations that are given during mission and special Sundays.  This budget proposal is an increase of 8.6%. It was moved by Charles Griffith, seconded by George Walker to approve the proposed 2025 budget to present to the church members at the voters meeting in December for final approval.  Motion carried. 


Dave Pedersen recommended we stress to members to use the reimbursement form so that we have an idea of what is being spent.  If members wish to donate, please use the form and note that, which will help us keep track of donations, too. 


Dave Pedersen brought a proposed list of church council members for election at the 2024 Voters Meeting in December.  He noted the only opening at this time was on the board of education. The list is as follows:   (All others on the council are holdovers.) 

            Elders:                                    Adam Pedersen - second term

                                                                Craig Hertel – first term

            Trustees:                                Dennis Thede – second term

            Christian Education:            (Open)

            Outreach:                              Cheryl Robson - first term

            Missions:                               Cindy Carstens – first term

                                                                 Amanda Kinne – first term

            Parish Fellowship:            Linda Thede – second term

It was moved by Janie Hertel, seconded by Dan Benitz to accept the above names and recommend to the congregation for approval.   Motion carried. 


Board Reports:

  • Elders:  Darla Hirsch has resigned her position effective November 30th. Linda Thede will accept most of the responsibility and she was directed to note the hours each position takes on her time sheet.  Pastor will assume completing the church directory the first of next year. 


  • Trustees
  • Mike Compton reported the kitchen curtain repair is completed. 
  • The carpet cleaning in the hallway and adjoining rooms was completed. He secured a quote to clean the carpet for $1189 and seat cushions $995 with chairs at $7.00 each.  The council recommended cleaning all. 
  • They will be getting an electrician to do some electrical maintenance work and replace some LED lights. 
  • Mike made the council aware of a letter he received from the City of Jefferson concerning water service lines to the building.    He will contact the city to let them know the council was made aware and discussed it at our meeting.   
  • Mike and Rita Compton were thanked for trimming bushes and Dan Benitz was thanked for removing large bushes. 


  • Parish Fellowship
    • Rather than having the committee do the first Sunday of the month, it was decided they would cover if someone forgets, which happened recently, but worked well with backup food.  They encouraged people to use the reimbursement form with a cap of $35.00. 
    • They are hoping to update the volunteer worksheet in January for a larger pool of people to provide and serve for Lutheran Half Hour. 
    • Continue to provide cookies for Outreach to take to nursing homes. 


  • Education:  No Report




  • Missions: 
  • Janie Hertel reported they took 1,060 pounds of clothing and household items including bicycles to the Orphan Grain Train.   The response was so good that they had to rent a small U-Haul.  It is hoped to do this again in the future.   
  • We hosted Nathan and Sarah Federwitz from Lutheran Bible Translators.  The free will offering for them brought in $1200. 
  • A request for Hannah Hester’s service in Taiwan was initially declined for this year and will be revisited later. 
  • There will be a notice in the bulletin to send Christmas greetings to our two families:  the Rickman’s and Erin Mackenzie.


  • Outreach:
  • We used 180 greeting cards for Adopt-A-Family baskets. 
  • Monthly visits to the Gardens, Regency and Greene County Medical Center continue.
  • Continuing free Bibles and Christian materials in the church. 
  • Blessing Box is currently being utilized.  Please help to keep it stocked. 
  • The youth served 27 at the firemen appreciation supper on November 13th.    The devotional book written by firemen and first responders was given. 
  • 115 of the Christmas Shoeboxes will be delivered to a church in Stuart.  Great involvement with members gifts of cash - $800.  Ellie noted that shipping is $10 each.  The Sunday School youth packed the boxes, but also many individual church members filled boxes.
  • Adopt-a-Family outreach – The youth will be stuffing 180 envelopes with a nativity cross and a Lutheran Hour Ministries booklet.    Also providing another booklet to go with the toys donated by Trinity.
  • Continue to provide crosses for Jefferson Welcome Bags.  Ellie read a thank you from some new Jefferson residents.
    • LWML Sunday was October 20th.



  • Pastor’s appreciation reception was held during Lutheran Half-Hour on October 27th.
  • Twilight Christmas will be December 8th at 4:00 pm.
  • Approximately 20 Snack trays will be given to Jefferson businesses/services that are open on Christmas Eve.
  • We will be hosting the Boone LWML Rally on March 29th.
  • The Quilters will be donating approximately 40-45 children’s quilts and pillows with new pillowcases to the Adopt-A-Family. 


Old Business:  It was moved by Dave Pedersen, seconded by Dan Benitz to table the Safety committee report to the next meeting.  Motion carried. 


New Business: 


It was moved by Dave Pedersen, seconded by Al Robson to remove Megan Smith and Dave Pedersen from the Trinity Lutheran Church Youth checking account and add Ellie Menz and Austyn Smith to the checking account. Motion carried. 


The youth would like to invite the adults to a movie night and show “The Star.”  Jeff Kienast will visit with Aiden Shorey to set it up the weekend after Jan. 1st since they will not have school activities scheduled for that weekend. 


Lynn Menz asked each committee except the trustees and parish fellowship, to complete one-half year of 2025 calendars and give to him by December 15th. 


The goal setting session for 2025 will be held after church on January 5th. 


The Annual Voters Meeting will be December 1st after church.   


Pastor closed the meeting with prayer.   

Meeting Adjourned:  8:45 pm.

Next Meeting:  Goal Setting on January 5th 



Shelly Berger

Trinity Lutheran Church

Council Secretary






