Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes 

March 20, 2024 


Trinity Lutheran Church council was called to order at 7:40 pm on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, by Chairperson Lynn Menz. Pastor Martens opened with prayer. He felt everything was going well overall. It was moved by Adam Pedersen, seconded by Dan Benitz to approve the minutes and goals set at the previous meeting of January 7, 2024. Motion carried. During the financial report, Al Robson reviewed the profit and loss statement, which income and expenses had increased from prior year. He noted that interest income is earning 5.25% on CD’s. It was noted the computer expense is up because Quickbooks was added for Al and our Secretary, Linda Thede, so they can both work on it, and then it backs up to the cloud daily. He explained on the balance sheet that a CD was pulled out of checking, which is reflected on the assets. Trinity has no debt and a strong balance sheet. It was moved by Janie Hertel and seconded by Adam Pedersen to accept the financial report as presented. Motion carried. Al explained the endowment fund which was established in 1999. It is split between a CD and mutual funds. The original endowment funds stay there, but proceeds can be drawn out. There was some discussion whether to leave the proceeds or use them for a project. No decision was made, and it was suggested to remind the congregation of this fund for financial and estate planning purposes. It was noted that we need to approve an authorized business officer and authorized speaker for our VISA credit card. It was moved by Melissa Barrett, seconded by Amelia Easton to appoint Allen Robson as Authorized Business Officer and Linda Thede as authorized speaker for the VISA credit card account. Motion carried. Allen Robson and Linda Thede both accepted these appointments. 

Board Reports:  Outreach – Crosses and brochures will be added to the City’s welcome bags for new residents. We will distribute $3,000 worth of materials at Bell Tower Festival, monthly visits are made to The Gardens, Regency and Greene County Medical Center, free Bibles and Christian materials are in the church hallway, a blessing box was newly created, and they are taking two students for a college visit to Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. They will research how we can be involved with Midwest Missions and report at the next meeting.  LWML – Free sponsorships for Camp Okoboji. Fourteen have enrolled to date. Hosting the confirmation reception, collecting items for Boone Zone Rally in April, two delegates and an alternate will be selected to attend the district convention in June, Quilters are busy making quilts, and the LWML served a Lenten meal.  Elders – Reviewed worship and communion procedures and working on goals. Jeff Kienast is working with the youth on the Easter breakfast.  Christian Education – No Sunday School this Sunday because of Confirmation. Still need more teachers to fill in. May 26 will be last day for Sunday School and there will be an ice cream get together. VBS will be the end of July. The theme is “Scuba - Diving into Friendship with God.”  Trustees – Handrails have been installed along the sides for communion. It was noted one is a bit low and needs to be raised. They replaced furnace filters, and installed two outdoor cameras (One in front and one by back kitchen door). They will be getting some quotes to repair the sagging front entryway. The council asked them to get quotes to repaint the lines in the parking lot.  Missions – They hosted Erin MacKenzie last Sunday and she noted a missions website that they will send out in the weekly email. They will inquire if anyone is interested in a service mission visit. Will make contact with Rev. Arthur Rickman serving in Panama and get ideas to encourage communication. Will also investigate Midwest Missions to see if we want to get involved.  Parish Fellowship – Assigned committee members for weekly coffee at Lutheran half hour, restocked kitchen items, bake cookies for the outreach committee to take to The Gardens, Regency and Greene County Medical Center. School kids were here to bake cookies, and the janitor inspects and makes sure everything has been cleaned after all events. Old Business:  The new sign looks great, and is operating well. Feedback was been great from neighbors. New Business:  Darla Hirsch will be taking some training at a social media workshop in May. Pastor Martens closed in prayer. Meeting adjourned: 8:40 pm. Next Meeting: May 15, 2024 


Shelly Berger 

Trinity Lutheran Church Council Secretary
